
~ Personalised Yoga Class ~

Yoga is an ancient yet very empowering practice nowadays, connecting body, mind and soul. It is a great support to any therapeutic process we are going through. Most of our trauma and emotions that cause us suffering are stored somewhere in the body and therefore need to be addressed in the body. Yoga is a gift connecting the present moment together with our breath and body which greatly helps us to regulate our nervous system. A regulated nervous system promotes the feeling of harmony and benefits our overall quality of life.

In a world filled with competition and performance, yoga is an opportunity to attune again to yourself. This practice will open a door to your inner world and the possibility to reconnect deeply within yourself. We will learn and practise how to be present by tuning into your breath, body, feelings, emotions and how to hold the space for your inner states.

These yoga classes are meant to support your therapeutic process, especially if you are dealing with heavy feelings of anxiety, depression and trauma. You can also take these classes separately if you wish to embody yoga practice and bring more feelings of well-being into your daily life. 

We all have different needs and therefore each yoga class will be designed specifically for yours. Yoga is an internal practice, thus available to everyone and anytime!

We will work with: yoga postures, breathing techniques, mindfulness, meditation and your energy levels. 

Inspired by: hatha, ashtanga yoga and yin yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques), active osho meditations, silent vipassana meditation, visualisation, mindfulness, masculine and feminine energies, chakra system. 

Empowered with: the cycles of nature, your own cycle, moon phases, spiritual body-mind-heart connection and intuition. 

Online session 60 mins = 35 eur  |  Package of 5 sessions (60 mins) = 150 eur

Online session 90 mins = 50 eur  |  Package of 5 sessions (90 mins) = 220 eur 

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