
Become whole - become you

1:1 Online Trauma-Informed Sessions supporting your Inner Journey towards Wholeness

All sessions are available in EN / FR / SK languages

~ Individual Psychotherapy Session ~

We are all able to heal ourselves but we need a safe space to become vulnerable and to allow the healing process to happen. This session offers you such a safe space so you can dive deep into your inner landscape and discover what is underneath that wants to be seen, heard or spoken out, and is currently showing up as something rather uncomfortable in your life. My work is to step in and help you to decode this unknown language of the psyche so you can integrate it differently into your story.

~ Personalised Yoga Class ~

Yoga is an ancient yet very empowering practice nowadays, connecting body, mind and soul. It is a great support to any therapeutic process we are going through. Most of our trauma and emotions that cause us suffering are stored somewhere in the body and therefore need to be addressed in the body. Yoga is a gift connecting the present moment together with our breath and body which greatly helps us to regulate our nervous system. A regulated nervous system promotes the feeling of harmony and benefits our overall quality of life.

'Trauma is not what happens to you; trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.'

G. Mate

~ What is Trauma & Trauma-Informed Therapy? ~

Trauma is still one of the most ignored causes of human suffering, yet extremely present in our societies and cultures. Trauma happens inside of us as a response to what is going on around us. It is first of all a disconnection and separation from our authentic self and feeling as an adaptation to external circumstances. This state, which often traces back to our childhood, can remain present for years until adulthood,  troubling us at great levels and causing various mental and somatic disorders. It is our deepest wound that shapes our personalities and restricts the way we see the world until the trauma is properly addressed and resolved. 

Trauma-Informed therapy recognizes that an individual could have had life experiences resulting in deep wounds which have a tremendous impact on the course of our life. We work beyond the frame of symptoms and diagnosis which often result from trauma. We seek the origin of suffering and work with suppressed feelings, emotions and beliefs. We recollect the lost pieces of ourselves to complete who we are by understanding our wounds and letting them teach us instead of ‘fixing’ them. Great levels of energy, which were previously stuck, are able to be released in the resolution and acceptance of this inner conflict. This energy becomes progressively available to create the life we choose and fulfil the dreams we have. The real shift happens when we are no longer victims of our pasts but become powerful creators of our present and future. This work is available to all of us!

Inspired by Great Master and Trauma-Pioneer, Gabor Mate.

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