

The taste
of a Buddhist meditation
& Monastic life

“May all sentient beings have happiness and the cause of happiness; May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the cause of suffering; May all sentient beings never be separated from the happiness which is free from suffering; May all sentient beings live in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.”

10-days silent (Vipassana) meditation: Torture
or the way to Liberation?

Our mind is a master of distraction, constantly jumping from one object to another. The mind needs a distraction and since there isn’t any, you become an object of your own mind. It starts attacking with so many thoughts and memories. The more you want to control it, the more you realize how much you are a victim of your own mind and have absolutely no control over your thinking. It becomes unbearable. What a fucked up mind!

A journey to heal
your anxiety

“Sitting on a beach in Portugal, I am asking myself if these thoughts are ever going to vanish away. When they come, my chest squeezes and there is no space left for my breath . They come unexpectedly and don’t go away so easily. They settle in my heart and frighten me to death. I feel like I am going to die. These are the last minutes of my life and I haven’t lived fully yet. I need a help. Running to the emergency room scared that this is my last heartbeat. When it comes to heart, nobody laughs. But in a few minutes, they send me home (laughing) that I am absolutely fine and that what I need is probably to fix something else.”

What I’ve learned
from an Indian Guru
in the Himalayas

He taught me how to look, how to listen, how to smell, how to touch and how to taste. But he never taught me what to see, feel or think. He gave me very precious life lessons. He spoke a little and listened a lot. And he smiled the way as he knew something I did not. He is a very simple man, yet one of the most knowledgeable persons I’ve ever met.

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