
I'm Monika

sharing my journey which led me to become a therapist.

How it all started

I was born in Slovakia under the energy of the full-moon in the late 80’s. This made me feel very connected to Mother Moon who has been my main source of inspiration, healing and transformation across my entire life. Wounded by a heavy post-communist culture and growing up in a very traumatised society which we have all witnessed to some degree, I’ve always known that I wanted to have a different life from what I experienced there. This certainly made me sign up for a life-long healing journey. I believe the biggest gift we can do for others and society is to be in a healing process ourselves in the first place so I started mine…

On the way

I was only 20 years old when I decided to go to Paris on my own to study. I admit that this was a difficult time as I had neither money nor the right support, only my will and belief that I can do it. And I did, I graduated in Psychology in well-known universities and learnt perfect French. This was my base to better understand the human mind and the beginning of my own therapeutic process. I familiarised myself with various schools of psychology including psychoanalytical, cognitive and behavioural, systemic therapy and family constellations, and the most recent research on trauma.

Although I got some practical experience in clinical psychology whilst studying, I mostly worked in the field of work psychology after graduation as it gave me more freedom to travel which has always been an important part of my life and growth. Through many years of my Human Resources career, I got a great insight into the European startup scene and lived in countries such Holland, Ireland and Germany. I met some brilliant minds from the entrepreneurial world who inspired me and showed me that we don’t have to be a slave of society, We can live our own unique way which is not better or worse than any other. This was also the moment when I stepped on the path of spirituality as I was feeling exhausted from the business world and looking for a refuge in the non-material.

Yoga and meditation took such an important place that I decided to leave behind everything and went to India with a one way ticket. This was an incredible moment of my life dedicated to spiritual practices when I truly gave up on many material things to develop my consciousness. I spent my time focused on my yoga practice, lived in Buddhist monasteries, absolved silent retreats and listened to spiritual gurus. Since then, spirituality has a very special place in my life. I also got certified as a yoga teacher and have been teaching around the globe. 

During the pandemic, I got drawn to shamanism and working with master plants such as Ayahuasca and San Pedro. Certainly this was not my path, although I found these ceremonies incredibly profound, in a way that no other therapy could be. They gifted me with a painful journey into my deep childhood wounds so that I could start repairing what was broken. During my stay in Peru, I also visited the Qeros community, who live very high in the mountains and are considered the last descendants of Incas. Their simplicity of living, beauty of being and incredible union with nature left me very connected to Mother Earth. 

Astrology, numerology, tarot and oracles, crystal healing, reiki, cacao ceremonies, women’s circles and many other spiritual practices and therapeutic tools have also played an important role on my path. They taught me a lot about myself and helped me to understand and accept parts of me that otherwise ‘didn’t fit’.  I always love to return to all these tools as they have always been a great support and aided me in developing my intuition and connecting to my feminine side. 


Although travelling has always been an important part of my growth, I have created my base in one of my happy places: Portugal.  Here is where I embarked from my own journey to be of service to others. All my psychotherapy work, spiritual practices, healings and travels came together in one place and gave me the courage to create a safe space for everyone who needs help and guidance to navigate through this complex inner work. I truly believe we are all capable of stepping into our full power, using our potential and unique gifts and becoming creators of our own life filled with meaning, beauty and joy.

"And so I wait. I wait for time to heal the pain and raise me to my feet once again - so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again."


My Credits

Psychology & Psychotherapy

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis (Paris, 2013)
  • Master’s degree in Work, Personnel and Organisational Psychology (Paris, 2015)
  • Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in Work Psychology and Human Resources (Spain, 2015) 
  • Auto-Hypnosis and Hypnosis Course (Slovakia, 2020)
  • Somatic Experiencing Introductory Training (Portugal, 2023)
  • NLP Master Training (online, in progress)
  • Compassionate Inquiry Professional Psychotherapy Training with Dr. Gabor Mate (online, in progress)

Yoga & Meditation

  • 200 hrs Yoga Teacher’s Training in Ashtanga & Vinyasa Yoga (India, 2018)
  • 100 hrs Yoga Teacher’s Training in Yin Yoga (India, 2019)
  • Vipassana Meditation (India, 2019)
  • Meditation Course (India, 2019)
  • Yoga Sutra Studies (India, 2021)
  • Daniel Collins Face Yoga Method (online, 2021)
  • Trauma Sensitive Yoga Course (online, in progress)
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