
~ Individual Psychotherapy Session ~

We are all able to heal ourselves but we need a safe space to become vulnerable and to allow the healing process to happen. This session offers you such a safe space so you can dive deep into your inner landscape and discover what is underneath that wants to be seen, heard or spoken out, and is currently showing up as something rather uncomfortable in your life. My work is to step in and help you to decode this unknown language of the psyche so you can integrate it differently into your story.

Psychotherapy is a process that needs time and patience and is often not a matter of one time session. We need to allow ourselves space for changes to take place and time to reflect on these changes. Therefore I am offering continuous therapeutic support until you feel aligned with the intention you set for yourself at the beginning of our work. I am here to  support you along the way and at each step of this process.

Each session is highly personalised as each client is unique, with a unique story to tell, and requires unique guidance.

Please bring an intention but let go of your expectation!

We will work with: your beliefs, unconscious and blocked emotions, bodily sensations, your heart, intuition and spiritual connection. 

Inspired by: Psychodynamic Psychology and Psychoanalysis influenced by S. Freud, The Work by K. Byron, The Method RUS by K. Nejedly, Somatic Experiencing by P. Levine and Compassionate Inquiry by G. Mate.

Empowered with: safe and trustworthy space, attunement to the present moment, active listening, deep understanding, non-judgement, compassion, inner guidance and intuition.

Online session 60 mins = 40 eur  |  Package of 10 sessions = 360 eur

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