
From inner wounds
to inner growth.

Psychotherapy and Yoga.

All sessions are available
in EN / FR / SK languages

 "You became who you needed to be in order to survive. But now it is time to become who you need to be so you can thrive in life"

T. Kearby

About Me


I am Monika, a contemporary therapist connecting psychology, yoga and spirituality into a healing path towards wholeness. I believe that we all have the potential to create the life we dream of by stepping into our full power and liberating ourselves from the past. It is a process that requires time, patience and sometimes the right guidance. It is my great honour to guide you on this transformational journey that I have also experienced myself.

1:1 Online Personalised Sessions to Find your Inner Power

You are already perfect as you are and capable of creating the life you dream of. Maybe there is something in your way. But there are also tools I can show you to free yourself and write a life story for yourself that you love and want to share…

Everything is already available to you here and now. Maybe you don’t know how. Allowing the wisdom of your body and breath together with a gentle guidance can reveal to you a world that has been perhaps unknown up to now…

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